Thursday, February 4, 2010


What should we add? Did you see the poll on the side? Post your comments here for the suggestions. If you picked other, comment here on what you want to see on our blog.


From LNS...

-Be the most popular girl girl in school for 5 whole years or have the greatest friends ever?
  Nina: Have the greatest friends ever. Arima: Have the greatest friends ever, (duh!)
-Would you rather drink 1 gallon of ketchup or 1 gallon of mustard?
  Nina: The ketchup. Arima: Ummm the KETCHUP!
-Would you rather have a third leg or a third arm?
  Nina: A third arm. Arima: ummm walk around on 3 feet, NO WAY! (so obviously the third arm!)
-Would you rather be known as the school's "Bad bully who loves Dora the Explorer" or be known as in school "The nerdy freak"?
  Nina: the nerdy freak! Arima: "The nerdy freak" i guess.
-Would you rather eat 5 rotten cheese slices or lick a dirty toilet?
  Nina: Rotten cheese. Arima: Ummm... I think I'm gonna have to pass for this one!
-Would you rather have a 100+ friends who are OK or have 3 great friends that are great?
   Nina: 3 friends that are great. Arima: 3 friends that are G-R-E-A-T!
-Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
   Nina: Make a movie. Arima: publish my diary, (y? BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ONE!) My embarrasing moment is just way to embarrasing!
-Lose your legs or lose your arms?
  Nina: Lose my...legs. Arima: I guess if i HAD to pick it would be my arms.
-Be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
  Nina: Hear any conversation. Arima: Same as Nina.
-Be a tree or live in a tree?
  Nina: live in a tree. Arima: Live in a tree.
-Be a hobo or be in jail for a year?
   Nina: A a hobo...I can't decide. Arima: Ummm... NONE!
-Not be able to watch your favorite movie or not be able to watch your favorite show?
   Nina: Not able to watch my favorite show. Arima: Movie!
-Have to drink orange soda for the rest of your life or just eat pasta for the rest of your life?
  Nina: Eat pasta! Arima: Drink orange soda. ACTUALLY the orange soda has to much sugar and I don't wanna be fat so the pasta... i guess.
-Build a house or eat a worm?
  Nina & Arima: Build a house.
Take out our answers and fill 'em with your own.
Credit to LNS. (Even though we worked too!!!)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tiger eats Birds =D

Q: What do you get if you cross a hungry cat and a canary?
A: A cat that isn't hungry any more.


Omigosh, it's been forever since we've posted. Extremely sorry but it's not our faults. (hehe, 'cause earthquakes happen at faults... get it?) It is school. So much stuff and homework and stuff. Nothing's going on either so why do we need to post.

Happy February!