Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Question of the Day: School

What do you hate most about school? This was the question of the week that we posted a week ago. Look at the poll below to see the results. Some of you answered our poll and I figured out that MATH is the most hated thing in school (according to our blog). The next thing that was answered the most was EVERYTHING! The rest just had ties and stuff. How do you feel about the results? Comment!

Top 10 Fun(ny) Posts

In the past, Arima and I posted some fun(ny) things and we want you guys to check them out. So here, I'm gonna post the link to those funny things! P.S. I posted a website on one of these click heres! try to find it! Comment!!

Poem of the Week

The Awesome A-N Spot

Welcome to the AN spot!
full of color and stories,
virtual art shows
and funny stories.

Have fun, comment
and always come back,
to see what other
amazing post they have.


Hi this is Fifi with a poem for this blog. I just created the poem on the spot and I hope you enjoy and comment, Thanks.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


We haven't posted like in YEARS! We are EXTREMELY SORRY! We will actually post from now on! You can count on it...maybe.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Amber's Picture: Picture Names

Hello everyone! We are in the Picture Name Phase now so if you want a picture name then ask now! **NeonGlitter**/Amber commented and said her favorite colors are purple, gold, orange, and blue! Those colors are a great combination and made this wonderful picture! Here you go **NeonGlitter**/Amber!

Amber Rocks:
So, if you would like a picture name then comment now! Enjoy your picture **NeonGlitter**!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Raneem's Picture: Picture Names

Raneem told us that her favorite colors are purple, blue, and green. (I added a bit of orange to it.) *** If you want one then ask us *** So here's Raneem's picture!

Raneem Rules:

**** Comment your favorite colors and whatever else you want on it ****

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tiger & Shadow

Hey everyone! Say hello to Shadow and Tiger (hello Shadow and Tiger). Okay! So, Shadow and Tiger are my, Nina's kittens. They are like...IDK years old. LOL! They are.....*counts on fingers*........ 11 months old. Yup! These are some pictures of them now and then!

Shadow enjoying life!

Tiger and Shadow playing in the garden!

Tiger in a this table-y-ish thing.

Shadow and Tiger sleeping peacefully on their favorite chair.

Tiger and Shadow playing!

Awesome Blogs: LnS

Hello! There are some pretty awesome blogs in the blogging world. So there is this blog thats really awesome (besides ours). So PLEASE SUPPORT them too!

BTW, they're SO awesome!

Click the picture above to see their blog!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Shami's Picture: Picture Names

Hello everyone! Here is another one of our Picture Names! This one is for Shami! His favorite colors are blue, green, orange, and gold. Here it is:

Shami's Picture:

If you would like your own picture, comment and tell us your favorite colors and what else you would like on yours. Enjoy!

Another Awesome Blog

Welcome! As you all know Arima and I, Nina, can be very random. So today, we are gonna show you a blog that we did. (-->> CLICK HERE <<--) On the blog, we post advis and tips but in a way that you'd enjoy. We will post one of our best posts from that blog here! Click the link above to check out the blog. Meanwhile here are some tips to get away from evil younger siblings!

Tips for Younger Siblings (that are evil)
1. If they pee in trash cans (or bottles), call a mental doctor!
2. If they wake you up in the morning by screaming and banging pots and pans, grab then by their ears and put them in the car and drive them to the otherside of the world!
3. If they follow you around to bother you, lock yourself in a closest and never come out!
4. If they destroy you belongings, get revenge and destroy theirs!
5. If they like to eat paper (or erasers, fabric, wood, etc...) then call a food specialist!
6. If they run around naked and scream your name to the world, then call the clothes department and get a HUGE mute button...FAST!
7. If they steal valuables from stores...WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!
8. If they lie and say that you beat your pets with paddles, then say that they pees in trash cans!
9. If they are pretty and cute and getting all the attention, call a plastic surgeon to make them REALLY ugly!
10. If they hug and kiss you at night, then appreciate and accept that you have a younger sibling that loves you!

Happy October

Hey Everyone! Nina and Arima would like to say Happy October to everyone! So Nina and Arima both cooperated in making this wonderful 'Welcome to October!'

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Poem of the Week

Hey there! It's Nina. Fifi donated some wonderful poems to put on this blog. Here are a couple:

Friends Forever
We are the same buddy,
thinking the same,
almost like sisters.
We are best friends
for life;
always there for each other.
Creating laughter together
or lifting our spirits
when sorrowful.
We like each other
for who we are.
We always
fill our hearts
with a forever lasting friendship.
Sisters Forever
We love and hate
each other.
Sometimes we work together
and sometimes
we fight and work alone.
But we
will always be sisters.
Those are some wonderful and heart-warming poems by Fifi. To view more of her poems, Click Here.
Buh Bye!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Story Time

Hi, it's moi, Amira! Here is a story!


Sisters - Samantha & Lily

Grandma - Gramma Jo

Tantrum - 2 year old Jenny throwing a tantrum!

Sweet 16 - Alexis

Story Time:

Sisters - Samantha & Lily: BUT Gramma Jo, pleeeaaaase let us go to Alexis's sweet 16 party!

Grandma -No way! I'm not letting you guys go to SOME party. I'm only here for the weekend and tonight we are going out to eat. No means NO!

Sisters -WE HATE YOU, ALEXIS IS OUR BFF! (by the way, you should never hate your Gramma)

Grandma -You girl are LIARS, I TELL YOU! LIARS!

Tantrum - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, leelee you noying, WAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sisters - FINE! Just remember that WE WILL GO to ALEXIS'S PARTY.

Grandma - *sniffle* *sniffle*, I'm in town for only 2 nights and all you care about is your friends party?

Sisters -Well yah!

Grandma - YOU are SOO rude gals, you are coming out to Baba Johns with me NO MATTER what.

2 hours later...

Grandma - GIRLS! Come down, its time to go!

Sisters -FINEEEE!

Tantrum - Me go to???

Grandma - *sigh* Yes, you go to.

Tantrum - YAY!!! *sniff*

At Baba Johns:

Blind - Introducing Bob, the blind guy!

Blind -SOOOO what can I get for you people? (hits Jenny with his walking stick.)


Blind -I'm supposed to be sorry?

Sisters -DUH times TWO!

Grandma - We are out of here like TOTALLY! You gals can go to Alexis's party now!

Sisters - Really? THANK you times TWO!!!!!You're The Best

At Alexis's Party:


Sisters - But, but, *sniffle* FINE YOU LOSER (MAJORLY).

So, the sisters went back with Gramma Jo and tantrum thrower, Jenny and prank called Alexis's party!!!!!

What did you think of this wierd story? Comment us in our comment section. It would mean the WORLD to us (LOL!!!)!

Another Virtual Art Show

Welcome! It's me Nina here to give you our second virtual art show... brought to you by The A-N Spot... So, those are all the announcements, enjoy the show! P.S. Some of these pictures were brought to you by Photo Booth and some were brought to you by Paint.

Creatures of the Unkown: Produced with Paint

Electronified the Second: Produced with Paint

Portrait: Produced with Paint

*We Rox!: produced with Photo Booth
*This picture was accidentally used with incorrect English! LOL!

Some Beautiful Flowers: produced with Photo Booth

I hope you enjoyed the show! Post a comment about these pictures in the Comment Section! Bye!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hello Everyone! Although Nina and I can be VERY RANDOM sometimes (you can tell if you have read our previous posts!), we need help. We need YOU (fellow viewers) to give us ANY idea you want US to write about. ANYTHING! We are THAT desperate (LOL). So PLEASE (we are begging you) comment telling us what we should write about! We are begging YOU!!!
Thank YOU (if you do give us ideas!)!

Friday, September 25, 2009

We are SOOOOO sorry everyone!

Hello everyone! This is Arima and Nina! We are SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry. We have had technical difficulties for almost a year (ya, very big technical difficulties). We are now back in business! Oh ya, everybody still leave comments(Please!!!). We are so happy to have our blog back!