Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Question of the Day: School

What do you hate most about school? This was the question of the week that we posted a week ago. Look at the poll below to see the results. Some of you answered our poll and I figured out that MATH is the most hated thing in school (according to our blog). The next thing that was answered the most was EVERYTHING! The rest just had ties and stuff. How do you feel about the results? Comment!

Top 10 Fun(ny) Posts

In the past, Arima and I posted some fun(ny) things and we want you guys to check them out. So here, I'm gonna post the link to those funny things! P.S. I posted a website on one of these click heres! try to find it! Comment!!

Poem of the Week

The Awesome A-N Spot

Welcome to the AN spot!
full of color and stories,
virtual art shows
and funny stories.

Have fun, comment
and always come back,
to see what other
amazing post they have.


Hi this is Fifi with a poem for this blog. I just created the poem on the spot and I hope you enjoy and comment, Thanks.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


We haven't posted like in YEARS! We are EXTREMELY SORRY! We will actually post from now on! You can count on it...maybe.
